Find out which beverage suits you when you have arthritis
We all know arthritis causes inflammation. Arthritis affects large joints in our body which causes severe pain and inflammation of joints. There are 100 different varieties of arthritis. The food which may cause inflammation is best to be avoided. But not just food even the liquids we take can cause it sometime. As liquids don’t take time to digest as the food to affect quickly and it is quite the pain. And this will aid in finding out which causes the inflammation. On the contrary, not all people who have arthritis can have effects on the liquids they take in. But it is suggested to find out which causes inflammation. Here are a few drinks which are likely to cause inflammation while experiencing arthritis.
Energy Drinks:
This ranks first because it has nothing good in it. It has only carbonate in it majorly. These drinks have caffeine so high that it can cause heart attack and seizures. Also, the sugar level in these drinks is not safe to drink regularly.
Both sugar and caffeine benefit inflammation in arthritis. Caffeine also found to trigger gout problems. Most energy drinks are acidic which researchers have found to deplete the calcium in bones leading to the degeneration of joints.
Tap Water:
It is essential to stay hydrated. Water carries every process in our body. It helps to remove toxins from our body. Drink water before a meal it helps in weight loss.
Having a healthy balanced weight is essential during arthritis.
It promotes to lubricate the joints. Whereas tap water can contain chemicals depending on the area you live in. These chemicals might provoke your cells and cause inflammation.
One typical example can be Fluoride. Its level in water may not bother the locals but potentially trigger inflammation in people with arthritis. One can use a filter or attach a faucet to prevent drinking chemicals from tap water.
Earlier quinine was treatment for arthritis but it didn’t help to cure it. These are best mentioned for the treatment of malaria. Tonics have a high amount of quinine in it but it has no effect in treating arthritis.
The US Food and Drug Administration and raised voice to reduce the level of quinine level in tonics as it can create a side effect from dizziness to kidney malfunction to bleeding ailments.
People suffering from arthritis should not consume soda. They contain caffeine, sugar and highly acidic. It is more likely to cause inflammation.These not only trigger inflammation but also cause illness and obesity. Overweight causes much pain during arthritis as it burdens to carry weight than it should.
Also, diet soda makes no difference when it comes to arthritis. These sugars have their own side effects which are inclined to cause infection as sucrose and fructose. These artificial sweeteners change healthy gut bacteria which finds hard to metabolize sugar and release cytokine, an inflammatory substance. Generally bacteria in the gut release anti-inflammatory substance which contradicts its nature by consuming artificial sugar.
Beer has its own negatives. It makes our body to produce purines in the liver when it breaks down fructose. Purines breakdown into uric acid and thus leads to the ailment.
It also contains gluten which causes swelling and highly inflammatory which rises the question does alcohol also cause inflammation?
A couple of glasses won’t affect much. Avoiding gin is preferred. However, if you take in more than the preferred quantity, it can result in joint problems. Hangovers cause inflammation and dehydration which becomes an issue in people with arthritis.
Studies have shown that people taking alcohol have severe gut problems.
Fruit Juice:
Normally fruit juices have a large amount of sugar and no fibre. It is advised to consume the fruit as a whole. Fibre allows the sugar to be absorbed slowly thereby keeping the blood sugar level even.
The problem in arthritis is fruit juices contain fructose in it. As discussed earlier, fructose breaks down to produce purines which increases the uric acid in our body. People with gout problems also should avoid fruit juices. On the contradictory, tart cherry juice has anti-inflammatory substance which reduces pain during arthritis.
Coffee has both positive and negative effects. Coffee has anti-inflammatory effects depending on the individual. It has antioxidant polyphenols which immensely reduce inflammation and minimize free radical damage to our cells. On the other hand, it has caffeine which causes inflammation and it is consumed with a lot of cream and sugar. So attempt to try and find out whether it suits you or not. With adequate quantity, it can be efficient, but in the excess amount, it can lead to negative effects even while testing.
Milk & Dairy products:
The protein casein in milk and other dairy products can trigger inflammation in people with arthritis. Certain types of arthritis produce antibodies thinking casein to be foreign bodies. These antibodies aid in inflammation which irritates the joint. Fermented dairy products are suggested as it contains low casein. Still, you can test whether it suits you or not.
Tomato juice:
Tomatoes contain solanine, an inflammatory compound. Generally, solanine in large quantity is toxic whereas tomato contains very minute amount.
Commercial tomato juices have salt in them. It is advised to take less amount of sodium if you have arthritis.
Tea mostly has antioxidants. Antioxidants fight against oxidative compounds that trigger inflammation. Adding tea in your diet might ease the pain. You can drink either green tea, black tea or white tea. Tea has rich anti-inflammatory compounds like polyphenol. Green tea has ingredients like epigallocatechin -3-gallate which has antioxidant activity 100 times higher than vitamin E and vitamin C. It helps in preserving the bones and cartilage.
So now you are ready to find out which beverage suits you and which not. You can also record all this information in a diary. Meanwhile, you can keep the joints lubricated by drinking filtered water and fresh food.