Eat Oats daily to gain these benefits
Maintaining a healthy diet is a crucial task and adding oats to your diet can be a great choice. You might have heard that oatmeals help in preventing heart diseases and also cancer but you must also know the fact that you can’t believe all said in marketing. So, is oatmeal really good for our health?
Oats are a healthy whole grain that provides well-balanced nutrition along with fibre ad antioxidants. Oats also have a rich amount of proteins and healthy fat as in many other grains.
One medium-sized bowl of oats contains 51 g of carbohydrates, 13 g of protein, 8 g of fibre and 5 g of fat. You'll get all the necessary amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals in 300 calories.
But what exactly happens when you take oatmeal daily? Keep reading to know the surprises!
Antioxidants are essential for our body as thy bind with the harmful free radicals and neutralize them. There are several antioxidants. Here, particularly oatmeals contain polyphenols even more specifically avenanthramide. It is the only food that contains this antioxidant.
Avenanthramides are known to lower blood pressure as they stimulate the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide dilates the blood vessels thereby improving the blood flow. Like any other antioxidant avenanthramide has anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps in reducing itchiness.
Rich Fibre:
Fibre is vital for most of the digestive process and oats contain a high amount of a particular type of fibre known as beta-glucan. Beta-glucan is a soluble fibre that can partially dissolve only while eating and produces a thick gel in the gut. You might wonder what makes it so special?
Regular intake of beta-glucan can reduce the LDL level in the body. It also lowers the blood sugar level and regulates insulin secretion. Beta-glucan also assists the good bacteria in the gut and also makes you feel fuller thereby controlling weight gain.
Better Sugar and cholesterol Level:
A high cholesterol level can lead to heart ailments which is the major reason worldwide. The beta-glucan in oats lowers the LDL cholesterol and increases the production of cholesterol-rich bile and reduces the level of cholesterol circulating in the blood.
Beta-glucan being a soluble fibre improves blood sugar levels and maintain insulin secretion. This is because the thick gel produced by the beta-glucan delays the process of digestion and movement from the stomach to the intestine. Thereby it also delays the process of glucose into the bloodstream.
You can eat it raw or add it to a salad or make it into a smoothie or make pancakes. You can find various recipes to make interesting healthy food.
Weight loss:
Losing weight is no magic. Eat foods which help in reducing the weight. Food cravings are always difficult to overcome when you are trying to lose weight and is important to feel full after a meal for a long time.
Beta-glucan stimulates the production of PYY, peptide YY. Peptide YY is produced when the food reaches the gut. This hormone is associated with satiety. Researched showed that this leads to lowered calorie intake and reduce the risk of obesity.
Fights Asthma in kids:
Fighting asthma is one good reason to add oatmeal to your family diet. Asthma is a chronic disorder among kids and its uneasy as it affects breathing. The symptoms are inflammation of the airways, coughing, wheezing and causes shortness of breath.
Studies stated that feeding kids with solid food in their early life, before 6 months can increase the chances of asthma. Where oats are an exception.
Research proves that feeding kids below half a year with oats may have reduced asthma and many other allergic reactions. Make it into a smooth blend if you are planning to add it to your baby's meals so they don’t need to chew.
Good bowel movement:
Another added reason to add oats to your diet is for their fibre. Fibre helps in preventing constipation. You can try insoluble oat bran, the outer layer of the grain. The oat bran adds volume to the stool thereby retaining enough water and making it easy to pass through.
Dietary methods are often better when compared to medications that might have side effects. If you are taking the oat bran for the first time it is advised to gradually increase the quantity. You might find it difficult when you take an excess of oat bran and is likely to cause constipation which we are trying to treat.
Healthier Skin:
You need not consume oats to gain these benefits. Have you ever noticed how many skincare products contain oats in them? They are used because of their anti-inflammatory properties, reduce irritation, itchiness on the skin.
They are several homemade recipes on the internet with many other ingredients like yoghurt, coconut oil, honey and egg yolk. If you plan to exfoliate leave it as a whole. If you are planning to reduce the symptoms of any irritation ground the oats into a powder and apply.
Oats are naturally gluten-free. Always check the label before buying the product. They can also use other ingredients equally contaminating the grains. It is advised to chooses gluten-free products from well-reputed brands.
Regular intake of oats can lower high blood pressure ultimately reducing the risk of hypertension. You can take this as your breakfast or lunch as well.
Wards off Cancer:
Lignan in oats helps in preventing cardiovascular diseases and also helps in reducing hormone-related cancer like prostate, breast and ovarian cancer. Consuming oats is good for both men and women.
Boosts Immune Response:
The beta-gluten in oats is known to help neutrophils travel from the site of the infected area immediately. It also supports enhancing the ability to kill bacteria.
Oatmeal is one of the most nutritiously dense foods. Regular oat consumption is helpful in preventing disease and maintain a healthy bowel movement.
Blended oatmeal can be used in various ways like sprinkling brown sugar, raisins, honey, walnuts or anything you like. Try adding this to your daily diet regimen.